
Tazutazushi: Peering beyond the tradition

Saturday, May 13 - Thursday, June 29

SOKYO ATSUMI (Tokyo) is pleased to present Shozo Michikawa's “Tazutazushi: Peering beyond the tradition.” His physically intense wedging, cutting and throwing the form on the wheel shape the works into their sculptural forms that seem to call upon Michikawa’s upbringing, born and raised at the foot of Mount Usu in Hokkaido, one of the most active volcanoes in Japan. The exhibition title Tazutazushi is taken from the eighth century Japanese poetry anthology, the Man’yōshū, and reflects the artist’s mind-set to always take on new challenges with a positive attitude despite the dark uncertainties of the future of our society today. The exhibition features his sculptural and new works using varied colored clays and glazes, with varied dark and reflecting surfaces, produced with nontraditional firing methods. The works and installation echo the aesthetic of Junichiro Tanizaki’s "In Praise of Shadows" and we hope you will enjoy viewing his works where sculptural forms emerge out of shadows and reflections, and beauty lies in the indistinct and liminal space that Japanese traditionally often prize.

Installation View

【Exhibited Works】

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